Friday, November 2, 2007

Oct.29 // Svenja's Blog // 3/3

What we did today
  • finished of the reproductive system
  • started Cells, C'somes, and DNA (Unit Learning Objectives)
  • made a list of what we know about cells, c'somes and Dna, what we don't know and what we want to know

Thoughts on Material

  • I'm glad we finished the reproductive system. I thought it was a really interesting unit but it kind of dragged on and on. I'm interested in learning about cellls, c'somes and DNA because its part of what i plan to do in the future.

Above and Beyond

  • Are there any cells in our body that don't contain DNA?

According to Wikipedia there are no cells that don't contain DNA (

1 comment:

Biology 30 Student said...

Great posting, Svenja.
Mr. C