Sunday, November 18, 2007

Luke Helland Nov. 16 (3/3) Bio 30

Today was a double block and we basically kept on going with Genetics. We finished taking notes from the booklet he gave us. (fill in the blank). We learned about Medelian Genetics and how he experimented with pea plants. We also learned about Test crosses and Punnett Squares which are an easy way to follow the inheritance of a single trait. We did alot of practice on punnett squares in the handout he gave us.

The punnent squares are pretty easy to do. I still don't really get the difference between a test cross and punnett square. You just need to remember that the capitol letter is always dominant.

P p
p Pp pp
p Pp pp

I have given it some thought and I was thinking in the future if we could decide what traits we want or don't want for our offspring. If we could identify traits in offspring and manipulate them, we could have an choice what our kids look like and what they would be like. If this were possible people would be less susseptable to desieases and viruses and it could be a sort of modern day Natural Selection.

1 comment:

Biology 30 Student said...

good entry Luke,
where's the 'above and beyond'? Next time, once you've raised a thought, follow it a bit (i.e. is trait selection being done? What ethical concerns does it raise, and by whom, etc.
(also, please give headings to distinguish the requirements being met)