Monday, December 17, 2007

Megan's make-up blog for my second blog. Dec. whatever it was last friday- 3/3!

Well, on friday, I guess it was the 14th, we did... not very much.
We: Had a pop quiz :o boo...
Went through a power point on Hardy-Weinberg equations
Got a worksheet to do.
Honestly, that was all we did.

I think that the HW eqautions are a little confusing, but the questions that go with them are hard, worded so difficultly!!!

But i was wondering, what exactly does this (HW)have to do with anything, and will I ever need it?
Yeah, after lots of looking, i found that it is usefull to finding out how many people are carriers for diseases, which is imposible to tell from the outside. I probably won't ever need this again, but you never know.

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