Thursday, September 27, 2007

Megan -Thursday, Sept 27-3/3

Today was a double bio day (groan), which means two hours of freezing. My feet actually turned puple!! Not even kidding. Anyways in the block before lunch we had the nervous system unit exam. It was insanely long, but it was ok. About halfway through the exam there was a lockdown, and it was extremely gay. We pretty much weren't allowed to leave the school untill there was 4 minutes left of lunch. It was a giant gong show. So second block we had 15 minutes to finish the exam, then took notes on the endocrine system.
my thiughts on the endocine system- we really havn't covered much, but im not looking foreward to it- having to remember all the hormones and their functions does not excite me, so I dread it.
What i want to know is can glaucoma be prevented? its not really current to what we are doing, but it's all i got.
Until recently, there was no proven way to prevent glaucoma. But a large multicenter trial, supported by the National Eye Institute, found that when glaucoma eyedrops were given daily to people with elevated eye pressure (above 24 mm Hg), they reduced eye pressure an average of 22 percent. More important, the researchers discovered that daily use of eyedrops can reduce the risk of developing glaucoma by nearly half in blacks with elevated eye pressure.
Another study found that cholesterol-lowering medications reduced the risk of open-angle glaucoma, especially for people who already have cardiovascular disease. Although this may be an added benefit for those already taking these medications to reduce their cholesterol levels, more studies need to be done to confirm the reduction in risk of glaucoma.

1 comment:

Biology 30 Student said...

Glaucoma it is then. The sky's the limit.
Good entry - if a bit harsh.